viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Severe Storms

Many powerful storms and tornadoes have destroyed many parts of the U.S. In Tennessee heavy thunderstorms destroyed 10 houses and knocked down trees. Also in Massachusetts the powerful storms cause an expensive damage in the city of Revere and knocked out thousands of people. In both, Tennessee and Massachusetts were not immediate reports of deaths and injuries.  

Mesocyclone: is a thunderstorm that creates a tornado.
Forecast: prediction that something is going to happen.


What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why?  Explain.
For me this article was very interesting because I 
didn´t know much about the storms that happen in the U.S.  Also was interesting the name that scientists give to the thunderstorms like mesocyclone because is my first time hearing a name like that for a thunderstorm.

What caused this event, and/or what are the effects of this event?  Explain.
 The effect of this event was the destruction of houses because the trees were knock out so some of them fall on top of the houses and also the people was knock out and blew by the wind.

Works Cited
Richardson, Nicoletta. "Severe Storms." Time for Kids. N.p., 28 July 2014. Web. 29 Aug. 2014.              

Internet Passwords Hacked

 In Russia a group of criminals stole 1.2 billion usernames and passwords of about 500 million emails. According to the New York Times this has been the longest collection of credentials. The Cyber ​​security firm discovered that the securities of some web sites were weak, so it was easy for criminals to collect personal information from other people. The criminals also hacked big companies from the U.S and other countries.


Retailer: someone who sells goods to someone else

Target: something you choose as an objective to attack 


Who was involved? What was their role? (Who or what is the article about, and what is it that he/she/it did that is news worthy). Explain.

In this news a group of criminals was involved they hacked many accounts and passwords even companies and now the people responsible for making a secure web side need to make web sides more secure so for the hackers is not easy to hack.

What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why?  Explain.

The most interesting thing was that the criminals hacked 1.2 billion usernames and passwords of 500 million e-mails. For me was interesting this news because I never imagine possible something like that and also that they hacked big companies and maybe they just did it for money, I dont think is correct. 

Works Cited 
Kraus, Stephanie. "Internet Passwords Hacked." Time for Kids. N.p., 06 Aug. 2014.Web. 28 Aug. 2014.

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

Fines for Water-Wasters

This news is about the drought in California and now the citizens are passing through a difficult time because is one of the worst in nearly 40 years. The droughts have taken over 80% of California and have burn many animals habitats.  The water regulators decide to fine $500 if people waste water but the fines apply to wasteful outdoors. This situation can get worst if it doesn’t rain that’s why the governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency.   

Wells:  hollow underground that contains water
Heeding: pay attention

How can you connect this event to something similar that has happened around you? (Has something like this happened to you, your family, your community, or your country?) Explain.
 In our country also there have been droughts especially on the coast and is a problem because is difficult to obtain food.

What caused this event, and/or what are the effects of this event?  Explain.
The effects of this event are that the drought has caused wildfires to many animals’ habitats. Also for the farmers is a difficult time because the lawns have turn brown and the lakes are dry. That´s why the water regulators decide to fine people that are wasting water.

Works Cited 
Kraus, Stephanie. "Fines for Water-Wasters." Time for Kids. N.p., 16 July 2014. Web. 28 July 2014.

Trouble in Ukraine

In Ukraine a Malaysian airline with 298 passengers was shot down by a missile on Thursday. The armed rebels are suspected to hide the evidence about the attack and investigators are trying to get evidence. Many analysts believe Russia is supporting the rebels but Vladimir Putin says he is not. The rebels are fighting for control of the eastern Ukraine so they want to have closer ties to Russia.

Sharply: brusquely
Cockpit: cabin were the pilot is driving the airplane


What caused this event, and/or what are the effects of this event?  Explain.
It was caused because the rebels want to have closer ties with Russia and also because they are in war, Russia with Ukraine. With this incident many people die. There were 298 people dead.
What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why?  Explain.
I learned that Ukraine stills being in war and I thought they weren’t. Also that the investigators think Russia is supporting the rebels and I thought there were less people dead but there were 298 dead.

Works Cited 
Brenda. "Trouble in Ukraine." Time for Kids. N.p., 21 July 2014. Web. 28 July 2014.

Kid Chefs at the White House

This news is about the kids that were invited to the White House because they won the third annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge. This meeting was organized by First Lady Michelle Obama and the point of this meeting was to make the family of the winners try the recipes that won this contest. In this event the president Barak Obama spoke about the family´s favorite food one of those is sushi. The winners got a special apron, a cookbook and the opportunity to cook with young professional chefs.

Converged: get together with people, meeting
Apron: a piece of clothes that is used at front of the body and tied at the back usually used for cooking


What caused this event, and/or what are the effects of this event?  Explain.
The effects of this event is to raise awareness to people about the importance of eating healthy and the importance of teaching the children about the healthy food  and how important is for life.
What new insight into the world did you gain through this article, and how will it impact your way of thinking or behaving?  Explain.
While reading this article the insight of the world that I gain is that kids are also able to be professional chefs and also make a better place by making healthy food that has all the nutrients humans need. This impact my way of thinking because it help me realize that I also can change the world by making something like those kids.

Works Cited
Chamber, Raphael. "Kid Chefs at the White House." Time for Kids. N.p., 21 July 2014. Web. 28 July 2014.