viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Internet Passwords Hacked

 In Russia a group of criminals stole 1.2 billion usernames and passwords of about 500 million emails. According to the New York Times this has been the longest collection of credentials. The Cyber ​​security firm discovered that the securities of some web sites were weak, so it was easy for criminals to collect personal information from other people. The criminals also hacked big companies from the U.S and other countries.


Retailer: someone who sells goods to someone else

Target: something you choose as an objective to attack 


Who was involved? What was their role? (Who or what is the article about, and what is it that he/she/it did that is news worthy). Explain.

In this news a group of criminals was involved they hacked many accounts and passwords even companies and now the people responsible for making a secure web side need to make web sides more secure so for the hackers is not easy to hack.

What was the most interesting thing that you learned from reading this article, and why?  Explain.

The most interesting thing was that the criminals hacked 1.2 billion usernames and passwords of 500 million e-mails. For me was interesting this news because I never imagine possible something like that and also that they hacked big companies and maybe they just did it for money, I dont think is correct. 

Works Cited 
Kraus, Stephanie. "Internet Passwords Hacked." Time for Kids. N.p., 06 Aug. 2014.Web. 28 Aug. 2014.

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